Behind The Scenes | IRONMAN Wisconsin 2016
2016 IRONMAN Wisconsin, in Madison (also known as “Mad-City), went by in the blink of an eye! With almost 150 incredible IRONMAN Foundation Athletes representing on the race course, and dedicating their IRONMAN Wisconsin journey to Race For More, we were pumped to be out there cheering for every single one of them on race day.
- $88,000 was given back to the IRONMAN Wisconsin Community in 2016! This includes a $7,000 grant to the Madison Police Department, a $15,000 grant to the Madison Fire Department, and a $65,000 grant to the Madison Area Sports Commission.
- Over $47,000 was raised by our amazing (and philanthropic) TEAM IMF IMWI Athletes.
- There’s a new IRONMAN Cheer Squad in town. They’re known as the “Dancing Blueberries” and can be seen dancing in place on IRONMAN race courses across the country (see pic below).
Anyways….on to the stars of the show: Our IRONMAN Foundation Athletes!

One of the highlights of race week: Meeting Karl, the new Madison PD Bomb Dog, and giving them a grant to help him stay safe in the line of duty!

The Madison Fire Department, with their $15,000 grant check in partnership with The Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation. The jaws of life (pictured) were purchased with this grant money. Side note: They are MUCH heavier than they look!

The TEAM IMF Lunch at the well-known Great Dane Pub was a blast! We had a great time getting to know one-another, and eating really delicious food.

IMWI Top Fundraiser, Rhett Bratt, received a custom TEAM IMF Jacket, and a super sweet certificate for all of his incredible efforts! (Not pictured: Rhett also received an official IMWI Finisher’s Jacket, 2 VIP Passes, and a $300 travel voucher)

Dustin Schmidt was our winner for “Most Creative Fundraiser” with an awesome neighborhood garage sale he hosted. Dustin was also our second highest fundraiser!

Liz Bower with IRONMAN Foundation Program Coordinator Julianne Newman

IMWI TEAM IMF athlete, Katie Lay, received the “Rally The Troops” award, for all of her hard fundraising work, and ability to connect with friends and family to reach her goals.

IRONMAN Foundation Manager of Fundraising Programs, Whitney Tizzano, gives a great speech at the IMWI Welcome Banquet! If you were not there, you missed out. There were pictures of dogs involved!

Star Intern, Julie Bengis, presents a grant check to the Madison Area Sports Commission at the IRONMAN Wisconsin Welcome Banquet.

RACE DAY: It was a beautiful, peaceful morning for a little 2.4 mile swim!

TEAM IMF athlete, Chad Erhart, is pumped to get on the bike!

TEAM IMF Athlete, David Rodda, is looking determined and ready for this hilly bike course.

Top Fundraiser Rhett Bratt looks ready to tackle the 112 mile bike!

TEAM IMF Ambassador, Carlos Cuellar, has a smile on his face as he takes on yet another IRONMAN.

TEAM IMF Ambassador, Jen Cawley, is all smiles on this beautiful IMWI morning!

TEAM IMF athlete, Joe Brooks, wears his American Flag sleeves in honor of the 15th anniversary of 9/11.

The City of Madison holds a beautiful ceremony at the IRONMAN Wisconsin Finish Line to remember & honor those who lost their lives on 9/11.

An inspiring athlete completes the IRONMAN Wisconsin run course in full military gear, to honor his fellow soldiers that lost their lives 15 years ago.

WOOHOO! Rhett is on the run and looking great!

Chad Ehrhardt is all smiles on the IMWI run course.

Dustin Schmidt most likely asking us what the Packer’s game score was! #Priorities

Lizzie Anderson is looking great on her first loop of the run course.

IMF Ambassador, Carlos Cuellar, approves our dance/cheering with a big smile and wave!